
x   Pressing certainly
- I know that
- I’m certain that
- I have no doubt about
- it’s positive that
- you might be right aout
     Giving and respon compliment
Giving :
- Fantasthic
- Smashing
- How marvelous
- Etc
Respon :
- Thank you
- Thank for your compliment
- I’m delighted to hear that
- It’s very kind of you to say so
- I can say how pleased (delighted) I am
    Expression opinions
Ask :
- what do you think of
- what is your opinion about
- how about
- what are your views on
- would you give me your opinion on
Give :
- in my opinion
- I really think
- it seems to me that
- what I have in my mind is
- the way I see it is that
     Exspressing agreement / disagreement
Agree :
- exactly
- I think so
- certainly
- I agree
- I totally / extremely agree with you
- that’s just what I was thinking
Disagree :
- I don’t think so
- I don’t agree with you
-I’m sorry, but you’re wrong
- that’s not right
-surely not, I can’t agree with that
- no way I non sense
- I’m afraid, I have my own opinion
     Expression used in persuading and convincing
Persuading :
- you’d better
- I think you ought to
- it might not be a bad idea if
- my advice would be to
- why don’t you
- I would ….if I were in your position
Convincing :
- I don’t think you should
- you’d better not
- it’s up to you but I wouldn’t
- I wouldn’t advice
     Expressing to show arguing about something
- I agree to point but
- I see your point but
- on one and I agree with you, but on the other hand
- I suppose you are right but
- yes, but don’t forget
- they many be so, but
- that’s good idea, but

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